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Townsend Store Worth The Wait
We held the Grand Opening of our our new Rocky Mountain Supply (RMSI) retail store at Townsend on Friday and Saturday, May 20 and 21. The opening of this store may have seemed long in coming, but from the response of customers who attended the Grand Opening, it was well worth the wait. It was a great event, with many RMSI supply teams on hand to show support and see our new facility. We provided food both days with lots of giveaways and drawings for great prizes. In recent years, we’ve seen the need for a larger facility to supply a growing population. So, we bought land for a larger retail location where we could stock more products for our customers. We also expanded our fuel islands to provide a larger variety of products and we designed these islands for customers with boats, campers and long trailers. We also added RV dumps. But we’ve never taken our eyes off our farmer-rancher customers. As we transitioned to the new store, we made sure to continue to carry all the product lines that are important to the needs of our local customers. All of RMSI would like to thank the Townsend community for their support during the transition.